SOLD: 2023 Zuckermann Shop-Made

Italian Harpsichord—$8,895

Zhengyi Adam Hou plays Frescobaldi's "Balletto Primo" on this 2023 shop-built Italian harpsichord.

This instrument came to us as vintage kit parts from the 1980s; in perfect condition, yet never assembled. We took this instrument to completion, finishing it to our high shop standards. Naturally, this instrument is predisposed to Italian music and shines especially as a continuo instrument; Italian harpsichords such as these have been central to early music ensembles for decades. It is light enough to be carried under one arm once removed from the stand, yet carries to the back of the concert hall, even when playing with an orchestra.

Disposition: 2x8,’ CC/EE short octave, split sharps

Range: C-d’’’ (49 notes), A415, tuneable to A440

Dimensions (approx): Length: 79” (200cm); Width: 29.5” (75cm); Depth: 7” (18cm)

Comes with screw-in stand and music desk.

Price: $8,895 SOLD


Hubbard French Double Manual Harpsichord - $18,000


SOLD: 1965 Zuckermann Z–Box — $4,325