SOLD: Wittmayer 51-Note Harpsichord circa 1960

This single-manual instrument built by German harpsichord maker Kurt Wittmayer has been newly cleaned, refurbished, and outfitted with brand new strings in our shop. In order to give the instrument a mellow voice, we have used softer metals—like brass and iron—for strings, where before the instrument used steel wire. The mid-century modern style featuring an angular case, compact design, and beautiful wood cathedral in the lid make this harpsichord not only an affordable musical instrument, but a work of art.

Disposition: 1x8’, 1x4’, buff

Range: C - d2

Dimensions: 50.5” x 32” x 56” (w/ lid)

4’ knee pedal, unique jacks with springs and adjustment screws, finished lid with dust flap

Price: $2,800


SOLD: Hubert Fretted Clavichord - $9,000


SOLD: Zuckerman Shop-Made 2002 Bentside Spinet after Logan - $15,000